How to Bring Your Marketing to Life with Videos – Lian van Maldegem

Lian Videovrouw - Business Breakfast cover

How to Bring Your Marketing to Life with Videos – Lian van Maldegem

“Videos on Instagram are most commented on and watched if they’re around 26 seconds” – Lian van Maldegem, Filmmaker & Video Marketeer at Videovrouw

This presentation was all about the success videos have on our social media, branding, and marketing plans. Lian gave us great tips and ideas for developing a strategy around them for each social media platform. She taught us the details and what people expect from them since each are very different.

For a hands-on practical session, Lian will be providing us a workshop in Amsterdam on May 23rd where you will leave with a self-made video for your business which you can later create again at home! For all those who attended, you will receive an additional 20,- euro’s off! Make sure to check our follow-up sent May 16th for the discount code!

Thank you Lian for your expertise and tips on videos, Juan Garzon for the wonderful photos, and Jennifer Nunez for all your Marketing support!

Looking forward to meeting you at our next event!

– Lara

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